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Signify is a platform that allows public officers to collect electronic signatures on their PDF documents. The platform is built on the Sign with Singpass protocol, which is deemed SES (Secured Electronic Signature) as per the Electronic Transactions Act (ETA) 2010.

Since 2023

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Product Overview

Team Members





Cost Per Quarter

Show breakdown

Usage Per Quarter


Number of documents


Number of signatures


Cost Effectiveness


Cost per document


Cost per signature


Key Highlights

Q2 2024 Apr-Jun

  • We launched the fixed signing locations feature, which allows users to specify where recipients should sign.
  • We launched redirect URL support in APIs, enabling agencies to direct signees who completed signing to return to the agencies’ platforms.
  • Collaborated with Ministry of Manpower and Tripartite Alliance Ltd to incorporate the e-signing of Settlement Agreements into Tripartite Alliance for Dispute Management’s mediation services. This resulted in cost savings of approximately $1 million and time savings needed for development and operation of the system.
  • Partnered with Institute of Technical Education and DocCentral to integrate the generation and e-signing (via Signify) of Agreements for approximately 1,300 individuals, leading to an estimated saving of 106 man-hours.

Q4 2023 Oct-Dec

  • We launched a Signify and FormSG integration in collaboration with CPF’s DocCentral team. With this, we convinced Singhealth hospitals to pilot fully digital MCAF forms.
  • We launched APIs which has been used by 85 users to collect 680 signatures
  • We launched a new mode “Sign by shareable link”, with which users can collect signatures just by sharing the link through any medium.

Q3 2023 Jul-Sep

  • Signify officially launched in August 2023.
  • We rolled out to users across 150+ agencies and onboarded 2200+ users.
  • We facilitated 2600+ secured electronic signatures across varied use cases.
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