OGP Products

Pair is an AI-based assistant for the government, designed to help public officers increase their productivity with the use of Large Language Models (LLMs). Pair Chat is a free, fast, and secure version of ChatGPT for public officers, ensuring the underlying LLM technology works in the context of the Singapore Government. Pair Intern is an email assistant that brings the value of LLMs to internet-separated devices that cannot run Pair Chat.

SINCE 2023

Product screenshot

Product Overview

Team Members







Cost Per Quarter

Show breakdown



Total number of messages sent


Total users


Weekly active users


Cost Effectiveness

$13.19per user

Cost per user




User satisfaction rating on Chat


Estimated time saved on tasks


Key Highlights

Q4-2024 Oct-Dec

  • Launched agency publish feature for Pair Assistants, allowing officers in agencies to easily access agency-published Assistants.
  • Developed and shipped Preview feature on Pair Assistants to allow easier testing and creation of Assistants.
  • Built Pair Rome, an evaluation suite to ensure quality of LLM output specific to Singapore public officer context.
  • Enhanced landing page for Pair and made information on Pair Suite products available for public viewing on pair.gov.sg.
  • Prototyped Pair Engine to streamline LLM application building across different large language models.

Q3-2024 Jul-Sep

  • Upgraded underlying model to better performing Claude Sonnet 3.5 with more recent knowledge cutoff and higher context limits.
  • Launched document upload feature for Custom Assistants, enabling officers to provide Pair with essential government context for Assistant creation.
  • Launched document upload feature for Pair Chat, allowing officers to directly bring their government context into chat conversations.

Q2-2024 Apr-Jun

  • Onboarded schools and SingHealth onto Pair Chat.

Q1-2024 Jan-Mar

  • Onboarded 11 agencies to Pair Intern, enabling all their officers to securely make use of LLM technologies where previously restricted. Pair Intern is now being used by 1,100 public officers across government.
  • Built Azure AD integration for Pair Chat, allowing for easier logins on government devices.

Q4 2023 Oct-Dec

  • Launched Custom Assistants feature in Pair, allowing users to adapt Pair for their specific use cases.
  • Improved UI on Pair Chat, including re-design of main chat interface and sidebar for GSIB device compatibility, and enhanced conversation starter.
  • Addition of Pairwise Buddy Custom Assistant for Pair related help.
  • Prototyped Pair Scribe for live transcription use cases.
  • Prototyped extraction of structured data from unstructured case notes data.
  • Built new features for Pair Intern, to allow easy looping of colleagues into email thread to share response outputs.
  • Moved Pair Intern to GPT-4-turbo and improved error handling.

Q3 2023 Jul-Sep

  • Roll out of Pair Chat to all public officers.
  • Launched Pair Intern, an email-based assistant that officers can send files and links to for analysis.
  • Built Custom Assistants feature in Pair, to allow users to create bots with custom instructions and specialised knowledge from reference documents, and share them with other Pair users.
  • Built file attachment feature in Pair Chat.

Q2 2023 Apr-Jun

  • Built Pair Chat with Azure OpenAI and Google PaLM integrations.
  • Launched alpha with 7 agencies via MOU.
  • Launched beta with 5000 officers.
  • Launched Pairwise guide to help officers learn to use large language models.
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