OGP Products

Postman is a simple, secure messaging system for government agencies and officers to send official communications to members of the public by SMS or email. Emphasising legitimacy, reliability, and accessibility, Postman caters to the government’s diverse communication needs, while serving as a trusted way for the public to receive official messages.

SINCE 2019

Product screenshot

Product Overview

Team Members








Cost Per Quarter

Show breakdown



Total agency users to date


Emails delivered


SMS delivered


Cost Effectiveness


Cost per message




Citizen satisfaction rating




SMS Deliverability Rate

Key Highlights

Q2 2024 Apr-Jun

  • Whole Of Government started using Postman, this includes 117 Agencies and 19.5k Users
  • Completed system intergration with 360 systems across 60 agencies
  • Worked with our 2 appointed SMS Aggregators and 4 Telcos to roll out a new secured channel to ensure all “gov.sg” SMSes cannot be compromised by the current SMS infrastrucutre loopholes.
  • Added a piority queue and intergated with our 2nd appointed aggregator to allow Postman to better piroitize and manage our SMS traffic
  • Implemented more fine grained access controls

Q1 2024 Jan-Mar

  • Continued integration with 60 agencies to allow government officers to send messages using their existing systems.
  • Onboarded 95.7% (66 of 69) of agencies that need to send SMSes, through a series of briefings.
  • Tightened SMS infrastructure to protect government Sender IDs, to combat Government Impersonation scams.

Q4 2023 Oct-Dec

  • Rebuilt Postman v2 from scratch that would enable Whole of Government to meet the BTN Mandate that involves sending out Government SMS
  • Onboarded BTN Ops team with 16 persons to enable Postman onboarding
  • Launched API docs for agencies to start intergration

Q3 2023 Jul-Sep

  • Completed 7 trials for Government WhatsApp - ICA, CNB, MOH, MSF, MAS, AIC, MOM. Trusted Messages were from Govt - 4/5, Confidence that Caller is from Govt - 4/5
  • Developed prototype to test Government SMS, Message Inbox concept and scam quiz, site
  • Postman V1 maintence work to ensure all users and system are able to send out messages

Q2 2023 Apr-Jun

  • Email inline attachments: Allowing users to attach files in the content of email campaigns
  • Migrating our email sending servers to Singapore to ensure 100% compliance with IM8 policies
  • Improved API interface for better development experience

Q1 2023 Jan-Mar

  • API endpoints for SMS transactional message status retrieval
  • Multiple API key management to allow for better security practices

Q4 2022 Oct-Dec

  • Campaign scheduling - allowing users to schedule when their campaigns will be sent out at future dates
  • List management: Allowing users to persist their recipient lists for usage in future campaigns
  • API endpoints for Email transactional message status retrieval
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