OGP Products

Plumber is a no-code tool that lets public officers create custom, automated workflows to handle various daily tasks, so they can focus on more important work. Plumber supports seamless integrations between a growing number of government and commercial services.

SINCE 2023

Product screenshot

Product Overview

Team Members






Cost Per Quarter

Show breakdown



Total agency users


Workflows automated


Automation runs this quarter


Cost Effectiveness


Cost per automation run


Key Highlights

Q2 2024 Apr-Jun

  • Greater Growth with Plumber (GGWP) experiment
    • Aims to increase user conversion
    • New onboarding flow which provides step by step walkthrough
    • Pre-configured demo pipe
  • Core features
    • Gov.sg SMS
    • M365 General Release
    • Formatter
    • Calculator
  • Quality of life features
    • Pipe duplication
    • Pipe transfer
  • Improved UX
    • More robust retry mechanism for partial failures
    • FormSG test data without actual submission
    • New UI components and landing page
  • Stability and performance
    • App-specifc queues for more accurate rate limiting

Q1 2024 Jan-Mar

  • Enabled more automations for users, by integrating with:
    • Microsoft 365 Excel (Pilot)
    • LetterSG
    • Tiles (inbuilt spreadsheets by Plumber)
    • PaySG (general release)
  • Improved user experience by:
    • Adding notifications for failed automations
    • Simplifying interface for pipe setup
  • Stability and performance enhancements:
    • Automatic recovery when Telegram connections fail
    • Improved HTML rendering for Postman emails
    • Automated end-to-end testing
    • Smarter automated retries for pipe failures

Q4 2023 Oct-Dec (UX Improvement and stabilisation quarter)

  • Support for Vape Enforcement
    • PaySG Integration
  • UX
    • Actionable errors for better self-help
    • Empty flows template
  • Postman
    • Attachment general availability
    • Revamped Postman rich text editor
    • Remove the need for API keys
  • Stability and Security
    • Better rate limiting
    • Improve infra
    • Datadog RUM

Q3 2023 Jul-Sep

  • Toolbox
  • Enhancements
    • FormSG: Verified fields
    • Postman: Support file attachments
    • sgID Login
  • Major UX Improvements
    • FormSG Auto-connection
    • Telegram Auto-chat selection
    • Improve GSIB compatibility
  • Stability/ Security
    • Webhook rate limit
    • Beef up security

Q2 2023 Apr-Jun

  • Migrate to AWS and IaC
  • Improve reliability and user experience for existing integrations
  • Incremental migration to design system
  • Monitoring and alerts
  • Supported MAS LKY Coin distribution
    • Load tests and query optimisations
  • PSD Brown bag session
  • VAPT

Q1 2023 Jan-Mar

  • Inception of Plumber for Hack for Public Good 2023
  • Added FormSG, Vault Workspace and Postman integrations
  • Added conditional logic
  • Introduce passwordless authentication
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