OGP Products

Schedule appointments easily using a legitimate self-service government tool, at zero cost and no onboarding.

SINCE 2023

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Product Overview

Team Members

Not resourced

Cost Per Quarter

Show breakdown



Total agency users to date


Average daily active users




Key Highlights

Q1 2024 Jan-Mar

  • Event lists so that multiple events can be combined into a landing page
  • Automatically send email reminders for bookings
  • Transfer of event ownership
  • Pre-fill form data for authenticated forms when rescheduling
  • Cloudflare Turnstile for booking submissions
  • Server-side validation for form fields
  • Specify unavailability by date and time, not just whole days
  • Allow admins to send a copy of form responses to attendees
  • Enable form field descriptions
  • Limit slot fetches to 30 days at a time to prevent server overload
  • Improved UI for editing form fields
  • Enable rearranging of form fields

Q4 2023 Oct-Dec

  • Custom booking cancellation notes for event admins
  • Made admin dashboard mobile responsive
  • Warning modal when discarding unsaved changes
  • Improved information architecture by adding separate booking rules page
  • Added integration tests for all endpoints
  • Improved UI for public booking flow
  • .ics files now reschedule and cancel calendar events correctly
  • Added sgID logins for public bookings
  • Admins can opt to show remaining capacity of slots
  • Changed timepickers from dropdowns to real timepickers for minute-level flexibility
  • Added reschedule/cancellation policy option for admins

Q3 2023 Jul-Sep

  • Ability to add collaborators on events
  • Admin logins through sgID for OGP officers
  • New design for email confirmations
  • One-off events
  • New information architecture for admin dashboard
  • reCAPTCHA checks when submitting bookings
  • Added Datadog RUM monitoring
  • New form field types: mobile number, NRIC, dropdown

Q2 2023 Apr-Jun

  • Hour and minute-level granularity for minimum lead time
  • CSV downloads for bookings
  • Launched CalSG
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