OGP Products

AskGov is a Q&A platform that allows members of the public to ask questions and receive answers from government agencies.

SINCE 2023

Product screenshot

Product Overview

Team Members






Cost Per Quarter

Show breakdown



No. of answers found (engaged question pageviews)


Users (during this period)


Agencies onboarded


No. of Q&As on AskGov


Cost Effectiveness


Cost per engaged question view (updated Q1 from total pageviews to engaged pageviews)




Citizens NPS score (-100 to 100)


Key Highlights

Q2 2024 Apr-Jun

  • Onboarded Singpass, Gov.sg, NDP2024, MAS, CPF, and 5 other agencies
  • Key feature releases:
    • Introduced Quick Links on Singpass to increase the number of users who land on a Q&A page by 27%
    • Customisation for Singpass onboarding e.g. routing to multiple emails, design changes, remove acknowledgement email
    • Simplified UI for the question list on homepage
    • Admin portal improvements e.g. download questions, pin questions
    • Topic/subtopic scope for widgets to onboard HCSA
    • T-bills customisation for MAS to show the latest t-bills results
    • Caching of multiple endpoints to improve performance

Q1 2024 Jan-Mar

  • Onboarded ServiceSG agencies such as MSF and AIC
  • Reduced average email volumes for ServiceSG agencies by 20% (MyLegacy and MCCY - Charities Unit)
  • Onboarded 3 agencies: CPF, CAAS, Isomer
  • Key feature releases:
    • Custom AskGov search to allow agencies’ to add it on their website
    • Improve embedded version of Ask a Question for agencies
    • Support public officers scope for internal AskGov
    • Update scraper for Mlaw, skillsfuture, iras

Q4 2023 Oct-Dec

  • Onboarded ServiceSG agencies such as People’s Association, MyLegacy, and MCCY - Charities Unit
  • Reduced average email volumes for ServiceSG agencies by 20% (MyLegacy and MCCY - Charities Unit)
  • Onboarded 7 other agencies such as Household Means Eligibility and MOE - OBS
  • Scraped FAQs of big agencies such as HDB, ICA, MOM and 5 other agencies
  • Top SEO results for most MOH and ICA questions to help citizens find answers easily
  • Key feature releases:
    • Automated scraping to improve discoverability of their FAQs and keep their content updated
    • Expand search results content to return results from all .gov.sg websites (including non-FAQs content)
    • WizGov improvements to increase the modality of AskGov (onboarded WSG)
    • Released smart modal to divert 20% of submitted questions with related questions for all agencies
    • New analytics dashboard for agencies and more accurate tracking of user behaviour
    • Global-related questions to show questions from all agencies
    • Internal AskGov for agencies to use AskGov for internal use cases

Q3 2023 Jul-Sep

  • Onboarded NDP, HealthierSG, MUIS, and 14 other agencies
  • Completed migration from AskGov 1.0 to 2.0
  • Experiment with publishing workflow for HealthierSG
  • Key feature releases:
    • “No wrong door” revamp on the homepage with global search to browse all questions and agencies
    • Question triaging for agencies
    • New email workflow with cc functionality
    • Automation of the publishing workflow
    • Improve search with auto-cut and better alpha parameters
    • Subtopics & subtopics management on admin portal
    • Trending search terms
    • Related questions on the question page
    • SEO improvements
    • Analytics dashboard

Q2 2023 Apr-Jun

  • Launched AskGov 2.0
  • Onboarded first 31 agencies
  • Key feature releases:
    • Search using semantic + keyword hybrid
    • Similar question suggestion
    • AskGov admin portal with basic functionalities
      • Edit published questions
      • Superadmin and normal admin access
    • Pinned questions
    • SEO improvements by adding sitemap, metatags, priority, page titles etc.
    • Upvote and downvote modal
    • “Can’t find an answer” banners
    • Data monitoring on Datadog and Google Analytics
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