OGP Products

Rooster is a rule-based healthcare messaging system that ensures timely alerts for critical results to the appropriate personnel. It supports essential hospital workflows such as rostering, lab results processing, and escalation, enabling hospital staff to provide timely care.

SINCE 2024

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Product Overview

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Cost Per Quarter

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Key Highlights

Q3 2024 Jul-Sep

  • Launched Rooster for NHG & NUHS institutions

Q2 2024 Apr-Jun

  • Onboarded 2 NHG PHIs and 5 NUHS PHIs to start using Rooster
  • Tested system features with hospital users to gather feedback & iterate on the product
  • Enhanced key system features:
    • Added current and next posting in Directory to support mass clinician movements
    • Introduced monthly rosters with on-call and team roster types to support hospital rostering practices
    • New excel upload for bulk roster assignments to support roster admin workflows
    • Enhanced result filters to support critical result detection using patient’s age, admission status, and SMS configurations
    • Upgraded routing rules to support more alerting options and multiple contacts per escalation level
    • Improved critical result dashboard to view necessary clinician details and alert operators of outstanding cases
  • Established integration with SMS provider to start sending of critical test results

Q1 2024 Jan-Mar

  • Built the initial version of key system features to achieve feature parity with the old system:
    • Result Filters: To set thresholds for identifying critical test results
    • Directory: To store information of clinicians, staff & resources for critical results alerts
    • Monthly & Daily Rosters: To input and view clinicians/staff in rosters
    • Routing Rules: To specify who to notify when a critical result is found
    • Critical Result Dashboard: To enable call centre operators to work on cases if there is no response to critical result alerts
  • Integrated with hospital systems to receive test results from Laboratory, ECG, and Radiology systems
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