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data.gov.sg is Singapore’s open data platform where businesses, researchers and policy makers can access data for decision-making at scale. By centralising key national datasets, improving discovery and providing universal access to data distribution channels, data.gov.sg improves government transparency, public service as well as drives socio-economic value in a cost efficient manner.

SINCE 2015

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Product Overview

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Cost Per Quarter

Show breakdown



Page views


Automated downloads (API calls)


Manual downloads



5.26/ 7

Ease of use


Key Highlights

Metric Definitions

  • Page views: number of user visits across all pages
  • Automated downloads (API calls): number of times data is downloaded remotely, excluding manual downloads
  • Manual downloads: number of time the download button is clicked
  • Ease of use: Single Ease of use Question (SEQ) is posed to the user after each task, to gauge the ease of using the platform from a scale of 1 (lowest) to 7 (highest)

Q2 2024 Apr-Jun

  • Key Features Added:
    • Revamped the data.gov.sg platform, including the adding of data reuse and usage metrics on the landing page
    • Added semantic search, filters, sorting and redesigned search to a split view for easier browsing of datasets
    • Implemented a new dataset details page, including a dataset preview, filtering and API code snippet for querying of datasets via the platform apis
    • Added a data viewer for viewing of sample data, including the summary statistics on categorical variables and null values, as well as filtering and search capabilities
  • Metrics:
    • Backdated download metrics since Q1 2024 (changed from 193k to 123k) to correct for a miscalculation due to internal API calls for the real-time API datasets

Q1 2024 Jan-Mar

  • Key Features Added:
    • Added caching to datastore APIs, resulting in an 80% reduction of API call volume to the server
    • Write APIs deployed to allow government agencies to automate their data uploading workflow
  • Growth:
    • Added NEA’s real-time weather readings for lightning forecasts
  • Metrics:
    • Q1 2024 infrastructure costs were previously reported as $96707, but have been corrected on 10th Jul 2024 to $191919 to include additional product costs

Q4 2023 Oct-Dec

  • Key Features Added:
    • Ability to generate API keys
    • Scaled up API infrastructure to handle higher QPS and reduce CPU load
    • Deployment of write APIs for automated data ingestions
  • Growth:
    • Implemented datastore for E-Gazette Website (https://www.egazette.gov.sg/)
    • Automated integration with Singstat using Singstat Table Builder APIs
    • Upgraded integration infrastructure with NEA to message queues

Q3 2023 Jul-Sep

  • 100% Human traffic migrated
  • 100% Charts migrated
  • 91% API traffic migrated
  • Scheduled deprecation of metadata APIs for Q4
  • Shut down legacy.data.gov.sg application
  • Added the API calls from real-time APIs to the metrics
  • Key Features Released:
    • Launched the admin panel, Admins now able to create, edit, publish and unpublish datasets
    • Admin OTP login implemented
    • CSV ingestion and validation based on canonical data formats (SGDRM)
    • Metadata APIs (dataset/collections listing and metadata) released

Q2 2023 Apr-Jun

  • Rewrote public application for data.gov.sg and launched the beta
  • 46% Human traffic migrated
  • Key Features Released:
    • User interface redesign, including landing page, search and dataset pages
    • Migration away from CKAN data infrastructure towards modern AWS stack (DynamoDB, RDS, S3)
    • Upgraded read API infrastructure
      • Deployment of backwards compatible read APIs (96% of total API traffic)
      • Testing of upgraded metadata APIs (4% of total API traffic)
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