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RedeemSG is a voucher system that helps government agencies easily create, issue, and track the redemption of vouchers. It also bridges merchants and residents for effortless acceptance and spending of Government-issued vouchers.

Since 2020

Product screenshot

Product Overview

Team Members







Cost Per Quarter

Show breakdown



Amount spent (new redemptions) for the quarter


Transactions for the quarter


Total amount spent to date


Total transactions to date


Total voucher campaigns supported to date


Total unique voucher campaigns supported to date


Cost Effectiveness


Cost per redemption




User satisfaction score


Merchant (Android) App Store rating


Merchant (iOS) App Store rating


Key Highlights

Q4 2024 Oct - Dec

  • Launched CDC Walking Trails voucher incentivisation pilot where residents can earn digital vouchers as rewards when they complete designated walking trails, leveraging RedeemSG’s new voucher creation API for automated voucher distribution
  • Introduced Admin Portal Self-Service, enabling government agencies to independently set up and launch their voucher campaigns with minimal RedeemSG team intervention. This streamlined the processes for 2 active campaign organisers, reducing delays and speeding up the campaign creation process
  • Deployed RedeemSG Developer Portal for merchant onboarding, providing a sandbox environment for merchants to test and validate their POS integration testing with RedeemSG before going live, resulting in a 15% reduction in onboarding times
  • Implemented voucher void feature for campaign organisers to remove erroneously issued or unused vouchers from circulation, improving campaign management with $81,920 of vouchers successfully removed

Q3 2024 Jul - Sep

  • Launched digital vouchers for Marine Parade GRC and its residents
  • Implemented a create voucher API to allow campaign organisers to integrate voucher creation and distribution activities directly within their apps
  • Onboarded over 30 retailers via POS integration for the NEA CFHP Vouchers, reducing the onboarding timeframe by 33.3%. This enables quicker onboarding and allows more merchants to be onboarded concurrently

Q2 2024 Apr - Jun

  • Launched CDC Vouchers in June 2024 achieving a 75.5% claim rate with more than $31M spent by the end of June
  • Launched NEA CFHP Vouchers achieving a 63.3% claim rate by with more than $26M spent by the end of June
  • Transitioned all SMSes to be sent from gov.sg sender ID to facilitate easier identification of authentic government text messages
  • Implemented an automated UAT checker to be able to onboard more merchants to be able to accept vouchers using their POS system. This reduced manual checking efforts by 50%.
  • Allow campaign organisers to now download reports within a date range instead of single date, reducing time to do financial reconciliation.
  • Introduced a blacklist checker on the admin portal to reduce invalid claims

Q1 2024 Jan - Mar

  • Launched CDC Vouchers 2024, achieving 95% claims and more than S$255M spent within the first month
  • Launched RedeemSG Rewards for IRAS IRRC and SMU ROSA
  • Integrated with OCBC to provide agencies with more options for their payouts
  • Supported changes required for upcoming NEA and PUB CFHP launch such as handling different eligibility conditions

Q4 2023 Oct - Dec

  • Launched Temasek Polytechnic Campus Care Vouchers for students to support in-campus meal expenses
  • Piloted digital vouchers for HPB Spectacle Fund as part of the National Myopia Prevention Programme
  • Added a statistics page on admin portal for government agencies to view how their voucher campaign is going
  • Allowed email whitelisting for admin portal for whitelisted ‘non gov.sg’ email domains to access
  • Introduced a back-up email service to handle OTP sending if original email service went down

Q3 2023 Jul-Sep

  • Launched 6 Our Tampines Hub voucher campaigns
  • Featured on Singapore Design Week as the only digital product
  • Introduced a feature which allows campaign organisers to create vouchers in bulk
  • Allowed campaign organisers to download user permissions report

Q2 2023 Apr-Jun

  • Launched digital vouchers for Nee Soon GRC and their residents
  • Introduced NRIC whitelisting, a new mode of setting eligibility for campaign organisers
  • Enabled campaign organisers to input their own Twilio credentials on the admin portal
  • Supported multiple bank credentials for voucher campaigns

Q1 2023 Jan-Mar

  • Launched CDC Vouchers 2023, where more than 1 million households claimed their vouchers in 3 weeks
  • Introduced new voucher design where voucher spend can be equally divided between heartland merchants and hawkers, and supermarkets
  • Onboarded 1 additional major supermarket chain

Q4 2022 Oct-Dec

  • Integrated with 5 major supermarket chains’ POS to allow voucher redemption via Point-of-Sales terminal
  • Redesign digital and paper vouchers
  • Completed annual VAPT
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