OGP Products


DistributeSG is a system for Singapore Government agencies to monitor and manage item distribution, with a Mobile/Web Application for tracking and an Admin Portal for campaign setup and management.

SINCE 2023

Product screenshot

Product Overview

Team Members







Cost Per Quarter

Show breakdown



Total items distributed


Total campaigns enabled


Items distributed for the quarter


Campaigns enabled for the quarter


Cost Effectiveness


Cost per distribution




Agency satisfaction rating




Key Highlights

Q2 2024 Apr-Jun

  • Launched Walk-in campaign mode that does not require allocations
  • Launched Distribute API which allows vending machine vendors to integrate with our backend to distribute items
  • Revamped the admin dashboArd to improve user experience and enhanced campaign creation flows
  • 43 new campaigns onboarded in this quarter and some notable campaigns that we are supporting:
    • PA Haze Preparedness Campaign, together with MSE and MOH for more 1.8M beneficiaries
    • Islandwide door-to-door fresh food produce distribution campaign with KidSTART for more than 2000 beneficiaries
    • NDP NE Show campaigns with MINDEF
    • IT tools distributon with KidSTART (first high value item campaign)

Q1 2024 Jan-Mar

  • Launched Unique String identifier to support agencies that run campaigns based on identifiers such as membership IDs, student matriculation etc.
  • Launched Door-to-Door view for household campaigns after successful trial with Toa Payoh West CO
  • Launched Self-Service Admin Portal so that campaign organisers can create, manage and track distribution campaigns from end to end
  • 14 new campaigns onboarded, with 9 of these campaigns created by campaign organisers themselves without any assistance from the product team
  • 2 new agencies onboarded to DistributeSG - Tampines Central CO and Ngee Ann Polytechnic

Q4 2023 Oct-Dec

  • Launched Address identifier to support agencies that run household-based campaigns
  • Launched Text and Photo Upload remarks feature to cater for evidence-based distribution
  • Prototyped Door to Door Campaigns which allows distributors to access list-view on the app and improve manual workflow
  • 7 new campaigns onboarded - Nanyang CO Christmas Festive Mart, Nanyang CO Scholarship Awards Ceremony, Boon Lay CO Bag to School, Woodgrove CO Ration Distributions in Oct and Dec, KidSTART Pororo Park, and Kidstart Maybank Supermarket Spree Campaigns
  • Successfully completed LKY Coin distribution campaign with 540K recipients collecting 2.48M coins (75% of allocated recipients collected their coins within the campaign period with the balance coins open to members of public for purchase from 4 Dec 2023)

Q3 2023 Jul-Sep

  • Conducted UAT and training sessions for over 2000 bank and CC staff
  • Piloted with PA grassroots entities such as Toa Payoh West for beta testing and rolled out app improvements
  • Launched the LKY Commemorative Coin distribution campaign with 760K out of 3M coins distributed within the first 3 weeks of a 3 month-long campaign

Q2 2023 Apr-Jun

  • Built and launched DistributeSG MVP
  • PA came onboard as pilot agency for the distribution of N95 masks using mobile app
  • MAS came onboard as pilot agency for the distribution of LKY Commemorative coins using web app
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